What H.N.Y.C stands for

What H.N.Y.C stands for

The H.N.Y.C. (Hellenic National Youth Council) was founded in July 1998, after strenuous efforts by Greek political and social youth organizations and obtained an elected administration in November of that year; it is an independent, non-government, non-profit federation of youth organizations.

Today up to fifty nine youth organizations (six political youth parties and numerous non-government youth organizations) are members of H.N.Y.C. Thus, most of youths belonging to an organization are part of this federation. Its aim is to strengthen the role and coordinate the actions of its member organizations. The H.N.Y.C., according to the number of members in its organizations, represents over three hundred and fifty thousand young Greek men and women.

The H.N.Y.C. associates with the Greek government concerning domestic matters and is the official representative of young Greeks in Greece and abroad. It represents young Greeks in domestic matters by participating in the Interministerial Committee for Youth, the Organizing Committee of the Youth Parliament, the National Committee on Volunteering, etc. Also, it participates in several networks and clusters of Greek civil society. Abroad it participates in the European Youth Forum, the Mediterranean Youth Forum, the International French-Speaking Youth Council, the General Assembly of the UN and the Youth Council of UNESCO.

H.N.Y.C. is one of the largest and most represented youth federations in Europe. Member organizations maintain their autonomy but are involved on equal terms in H.N.Y.C., without limitations based on religion, race, diversity, sexual orientation. Therefore, dialogue concerning pressing issues the youth people in Greece is promoted. The H.N.Y.C. overcomes political, ideological and social commitments in order to seek solutions and proposals, outlining a new policy for Youth by young members of society.

Aiming at continuously training and informing young people on issues that concern them, the H.N.Y.C. implements workshops, conferences, cultural and other programs, seminars and activities that directly target young people.