Στόχοι του ΕΣΥΝ

The Hellenic National Youth Council (H.N.Y.C.) is an independent, non-profit voluntary federation, which involves:

• Youth organizations in Greece and abroad.

• Networks of youth organizations in Greece and abroad.

• Local youth councils.

• Organizations formed by young people and children aiming to troubleshoot arising issues.

The operation of the H.N.Y.C. is based on participation of:

• NGOs

• Political youth parties

• Local youth councils

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention of Human Rights set the principles guiding the actions of H.N.Y.C. It develops its activities based on its statute, in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the Greek state.

The H.N.Y.C. does not substitute in any way its members and does not interfere in any way with their autonomy, independence and internal functions.

The H.N.Y.C. is independent of the state, but participates in any state or public initiative dealing with youth and children; it represents young people and their organizations and promotes the adoption and implementation of the optimum policy for the new generation in Greece and the European Union.

The H.N.Y.C. has a legal personality. Its headquarters are located in Athens and separate branches can be established in Thessaloniki and other capitals of counties or provinces.

The H.N.Y.C. takes decisions based on dialogue and consensus between its member organizations; its statute requires the agreement of the majority of officials deciding.

The aims of H.N.Y.C. are:

• Coordinating, representing and promoting the activities of its member organizations.

• Collecting, supplying and studying information needed by its member organizations on political, social and cultural issues affecting young people at a national and European level. 

• Promoting mutual understanding and exchange of experiences between member organizations and between the latter and other youth organizations.

• Promoting the spirit of freedom and association among young people. 

• Promoting, with specific initiatives, the engagement of young people in politics and contributing to the development of a consistent behavior in the movements of young people.

• Engaging as an advisory social institution for matters concerning young people, youth policies and their organizations.

• Representing its member organizations at European and International youth coordinating bodies and other European or international fora, developing their relations with non-governmental youth organizations of other States and defending matters of national interest.

• Defending democratic institutions, human rights and the principles of social solidarity, tolerance and equality, promoting the rights of children and young people and ensuring the implementation of international conventions for their protection, and promoting the participation of young people in political, economic, social and cultural life.

• Supporting and promoting decentralized institutions of collective expression and action of youth in provinces, at a local and county level.